Indian IT in Israel, Israeli tech in India: How India and Israel became partners in innovation

Israeli company Tower Semiconductor is part of the international semiconductor consortium ISMC that in May 2022 announced a $3 billion investment to set up a chip-making plant in Karnataka – this is India’s first semiconductor fabrication unit. (Representational image by Pok Rie via Pexels)

When Dov Frohman, one of Intel’s earliest employees, decided to leave Silicon Valley and return to his adopted home in 1974, he probably set Israel’s semiconductor industry in motion. Frohman is credited with the invention of EPROM, erasable programmable read only memory, and helped Intel establish its first chip design centre outside the US in Haifa, Israel.

Intel is still one of the dominant players in Israel’s semiconductor industry that employs more than 20,000 people. Aside from Haifa, Intel’s other major chip production plant is in Kiryat Gat, that’s a 30-minute drive from the Gaza border that has been deeply impacted by the escalating Israel-Hamas conflict. Israel may have some vital cues for India as we aim to become a global semiconductor hub. There have been reports that the Indian cabinet is likely to approve a Rs 25,000 crore scheme for semiconductor manufacturing in the country.

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